Monday, August 22, 2011

Team BabyTree's Ankgor Wat

Half Marathon Fundraising Page

Click button to donate securely...

Amount raised so far (AUD): $340.00 (as of 22/08/11)

BabyTree grew out of one child's belief that the world is still beautiful and that if we work together, then we can change the world for the better. Out of this belief, a unique grassroots organisation has grown, from nothing, to something. Now with branches in five countries and countless volunteers from all over the world helping, reaching our vision of enabling children to create the life they want is already beginning to happen in our projects.

Usually, 100% of funds from these efforts go towards BabyTree's remarkable work in Cambodia. But this time, things are a little different. Recently, the youngest sibling of the Saly family was diagnosed with cervical cancer and while we are very relieved that she is recovering and all signs are good, the feelings of helplessness is still raw within us. But with support of friends and supporters we realised we weren't helpless at all. No matter how small or insignificant seeming our actions, there is always something we can do. That is why, 50% of money raised from this half marathon effort will go towards BabyTree and 50% will go towards the Australian Cancer Research Foundation.

To help us continue this story you can help by making a donation. Every little bit the donate button to make a secure donation through PayPal (p.s. you don't need a paypal account to donate ;)

We hope to raise a total of $10,000AUD.
As donations come through we will update total amount raised so far every Sunday.
The amazing team so far include: Tolyka Saly, Grace Paulionis, Sim Veacha and Koky Saly.

Important details:

- We would like to thank our major sponsor for supporting this effort with all our heart:

SUCIETA, 124 Toorak Road Sth Yarra, visit them at .

- For race details and history click here . Its a pretty amazing run around the world's largest religious structure. Its also over 800 years old.

- Its not too late to join us to find out how, email:

- Donations are not tax deductible at the moment. BabyTree is working feverishly to make this a possibility for the future. We are glad this isn't the reason you donate to us though ;)

- Any questions email:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The girls can sing...

Oneday, I hope to get some of the children over to Australia and sing for their village and themselves. Show us a thing or two about life.

One evening we were all enjoying milo with the kids and ofcourse music and dancing happens...but then one of the girls started singing and it was beautiful. They don't have TV's, CD players or anything. They just can sing...its a traditional Khmer folk song that farmers sing. I hope you like their impromptu performance...nothing was planned or rehearsed...Its a song about love...

Duncan Phillips talks...(one of our amazing volunteers)

Dunky one of our amazing BabyTree volunteers answers some tough questions about his experience in our projects. He was involved in our dance video project this February 2011 and we loved having him be part of it. The schedule was mad, but during the quieter moments we were able to ask him some questions. The kids couldn't say they called him Dunky instead. Thank you Dunky for sharing...we love you heaps ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

BabyTree Dance snippet...

The kids learn how to point during dance practice...
There is no point for this post...
Sometimes having a point is over-rated...

Monday, August 1, 2011